holy week
Scroll down to see how we at St Wilfrid’s are engaging with Lent and Holy Week.
For those who haven’t heard or seen yet, we’ve produced the first in a series of booklets that we’re calling ‘Armoury’!
Armoury is a resource designed to follow along with our journey as a Church, learning how to be the Army of God together.
This first volume of Armoury, guides us through the journey of Lent and focuses on the first part of our ‘Basic Training’ series which we’re calling ‘Survival Skills.’
It’s completely free but limited in number so if you’ve not managed to pick one up on a Sunday yet, you can collect one from the connect stand or the PDF version is available by clicking below.

holy week
at a glance
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday Meal with Communion 7:30pm | St Wilfrid’s Paddock
Good Friday
Good Friday Prayer Spaces 3pm - 5pm | St Wilfrid’s Church Campus
Good Friday Service 7:30pm | St Wilfrid’s Front Hall
Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service 5:30am| St Wilfrid’s Paddock
Communion Service 8am | St Wilfrid’s Church Building
Easter Celebration & Baptism Service 10:30am | St Wilfrid’s Church Building

Like Jesus with His disciples on the night before He died, on Maundy Thursday we share in a meal together on our church paddock, take communion, and wash each others feet. (The washing of feet is optional)
This rhythm year on year has been for us a beautiful expression of the communion, love, and humility that took place on the evening Jesus had a final meal with His friends.
We’d love for you to join us.
Thursday 17th April | 7:30pm
We’ll have dinner on the church paddock so make sure to wrap up warm. Most dietary needs will be covered but get in touch if you have concerns.
(We’ll eat in the Front Hall if the weather takes a turn)

good friday
On Good Friday we’ll be taking the time to reflect on the Cross throughout the day.
Firstly we’ll have different areas around the church campus to pray:
In our church building at the beginning of each hour, a thought and guided meditation will be led by a different person. While the rest of the time will be used as a place of silence and prayer. As well as an opportunity to reflect on the stations of the cross
In the tithe barn there will be prayer stations and actives available for kids of all ages to help them engage with Good Friday.
On the paddock green there will be an opportunity to make written confessions at the foot of the cross. (Instructions on how to do this will be written)
After this we’ll have a Good Friday service in the Front Hall to gather and reflect on the death of Jesus together through the reading of scripture and worship.
When & Where?
Friday 18th April
Prayer Spaces | 3pm - 5pm | St Wilfrid’s Church Campus
Good Friday Service | 7:30pm | St Wilfrid’s Front Hall

He is RISEN!
Come and celebrate the resurrection with us on Easter Sunday!
Beginning in the early hours at 5:30am we will have a sunrise service on our church paddock where we’ll worship, pray, and celebrate with pastries and a glass of prosecco (no-secco available).
We’ll also have our usual healing eucharist at 8am for those wishing to take communion.
Finally we’ll come together at our 10:30am service, worshipping Jesus, hearing from the scriptures, and celebrating with those who are getting baptised!
(If you’re interested in getting baptised on Easter Sunday, please get in touch with our vicar here)
When & Where?
Sunday 20th April
Sunrise Service | 5:30am | Church Paddock
Healing Eucharist | 8am | Church Building
Celebration & Baptism Service | 10:30am | Church Building