If you’re in school years 6-13, Youth is for you!
Whether you are having a great week or not finding life easy at all, we want St Wilfrid’s youth to be a space where you can come exactly as you are as we figure out what it is to follow Jesus together!
Wherever you’re at and whatever your story is, you are so welcome to join us.

Join us as we read through the books of Luke and Acts together.
From 2nd-7th August, young people from churches across the country will be gathering together at Dreaming The Impossible. A fun filled week of camping together, playing games, sports tournaments, main sessions and all sorts of evening entertainment!
youth gatherings
youth church
Join us every Thursday night during term time from 7:30-9pm on the St Wilfrid’s campus for snacks, games, and a space to learn how to follow Jesus together.
sunday mornings:
Youth meets every Sunday during term time at our 10:30am service (other than our family service on the first Sunday of Each month). We head over to the office after worship to check in, open the bible and pray with each other (and usually drink far too much hot chocolate…)
the gathering
A half-termly night of prayer and worship where we come together with young people from different churches in the city. We worship God, pray that he would move powerfully among us and spend time waiting on him.