Whatever reason you have for visiting our website today - we want you to know that you are loved and you are welcome.
St Wilfrid’s is a community of ordinary people being transformed by the love of God
Some of us grew up around church, many of us didn’t, some of us are seasoned believers and others of us are just exploring. Whatever your story and your background, you are welcome.
One of the best ways to connect with us as a church is to come and join us on a Sunday. You don’t have to know anything about the Church, the Bible or Christianity in order to come, we’re all just figuring it out together. Please come as you are.
meet the team
George White
Jacob Tyers
Rob Steel
Church Warden & Leadership Team
Wendy Cranefield
Church Warden, Kids Church & Leadership Team
Katie White
Tots Church
Jono DeMacedo
Spiritual Formation
Ellie Tyers
Leadership Team
& Groups
Freya Dean
Sung Worship
Rhoda Steel
Leadership Team
Jo Tatum
Leadership Team
Claire Devonport
The Welcome Space
Chris Burton
Intercessory Team
Joe Sherwin
Operations Director & PA to the Vicar
Emma Ojapah
Operations Administrator
Jonny Winter
Youth Pastor & Sung Worship
Charis Roberts
Associate Youth Pastor
Lukas Purves
Intern (Youth)
Ella Gregson
Intern (Kids)
Lindsey Barnes
Parish Safeguarding Coordinator (PSC)
Duncan Dean
Spiritual Formation
PCCs (Parochial Church Councils) are crucial bodies in the leadership of Anglican churches. They can make a significant impact for good on church life. The St Wilfrid’s PCC exists, first and foremost, to promote the mission of God within our parish and our City.
George White
Jacob Tyers
Rob Steel
Wendy Cranefield
Paul Wicks
Pete Brown
Chris Burton
Kim Sibilla
Ian Cranefield
Melissa Baker
Ian Baker
Jono DeMacedo
Ellie Tyers
Come along! We have two services on a Sunday
8am service
A forty-five minute service that’s more ‘traditional’ and contemplative in style with Holy Communion every week.
10:30am service
A vibrant and informal service with groups for Kids (primary school age), Youth (secondary school age) and Tots (pre-primary school age).