
‘God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them.’

- St. Augustine.

  • Direct Debit

    You can easily set up a Direct Debit to regularly support the vision of the church. You’ll just need your bank details to hand and a few minutes to securely step through the online process.

  • One-Off Gift

    To donate a one-off gift please use our online donate form to send us a gift using your debit or credit card. It’s safe and secure and only takes a couple of minutes.

  • Standing Order

    Amend or set up a standing order through your bank with the following details:


    00759177 ||  12-09-26


  • Gift Aid Decleration

    If your giving is eligible for gift aid contributions then you can click the button below and fill out the form to declare this.

Give your Time

We’re a family here at St Wilfrid’s and we all have a part to play. One of the best ways to get involved in the life of the church is by joining a team. More info coming soon. Watch this space!

  • Be part of the team that encourage our young people as they come to know and follow Jesus (also… Youth Nights are the most fun things that happen at St Wilfrids)

  • Be part of the team that organises hospitality (coffee/tea etc) on Sundays

  • Be part of the team that leads us in sung worship each Sunday

  • Be part of the team that creates a warm welcome for those joining us on Sundays

  • Be part of the team that runs the AV, sound & livestream elements of our services. Training can be provided!

  • Be part of the team that helps facilitate our Kids meeting with God each Sunday.

  • Be part of the team that helps to clean the church building during the week.