Tots Church exists to serve the littlest members of our church community (0-4) as well as their parents/carers.
At Tots Church we are passionate about seeing parents, carers and their little ones thrive and believe that no child is too young to know God and no adult should have to put their spiritual life on hold when they’re caring for little ones.
tots church
Our Tots Church meet every Sunday during term-time at our 10:30am service. After spending some time worshipping all together in the church building, parents/carers and their little ones are invited to head to our Tots Church in the St Wilfrid’s back hall where we have time for games, activities as well as the opportunity to pray for one another.
midweek tots
A time for parents & carers of little ones (pre-primary school age) to come and connect with each other, have fun and hear an inspiring thought for the week.
Every Wednesday in term-time 10am - 12pm (St Wilfrid’s Back Hall)
Keep updated via our St Wilfrid’s Tots Facebook page here.
play in the paddock
Looking for something to do this summer? Come have fun with us on our church paddock - playing games, connecting with others, and spending time in the sun