The Internship

The intern programme is an exciting opportunity to invest in your discipleship and leadership by serving in a local church.

The vision for the internship is to raise up followers of Jesus who are confident in who God is and who He has made them to be. The internship puts discipleship to Jesus as the number one priority, as we believe everything flows from that.

You will be a part of a dynamic cohort of other interns, students and young adults who are committing to the same journey of learning what it means to live everyday with Jesus, become like Him and seek his purposes in our churches and beyond. Exciting, right?!

You would be placed in a full-time church context (St Wilfrid’s) where you are able to put into practice all that you are learning. This could be in any area of ministry, e.g. children’s / youth work, worship, prayer, media & communications, community engagement, and more. You’ll be a part of our church staff team that will invest in you and support you throughout the year.