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connect south wilford

Connect South Wilford is our weekly after-school service run at our local primary school. We gather from 3:15pm - 4:15pm every Wednesday during term-time to connect, have fun and encounter God together. Parents and carers are also very welcome to attend alongside their kids.


Midweek group for tots.


Wednesdays 10am-12pm


St Wilfrid’s Back Hall,

Church Drive,

NG11 7AJ

the welcome space

‘God sets the lonely in families’ Psalm 68:6

We have an epidemic of loneliness and isolation in our culture and many of us don’t have spaces where we can come as we are and connect with others.
As a church community we want to see this change.

The Welcome Space runs every Thursday from 10am - 12pm in the St Wilfrid’s back hall and, as the name suggests, everyone is welcome. It’s a space where you can be yourself, chat with others over a cuppa, play a board game with a friend, whatever!

We also have a team on hand every week to pray with those who would like prayer and there’s also an inspiring thought-for-the-week based on a passage from the bible.

midweek tots

If you have a little one in your life (0-Primary School age) then Midweek Tots is for you! Every Wednesday from 10am - 12pm we meet in the St Wilfrid’s back hall, there’s games, toys, songs and stories for the kids as well as good coffee, pastries and a thought-for-the-week for the adults.
Please click here for more info and come and join us.


Café with…


Thursday’s 10am-12pm


St Wilfrid’s Back Hall,

Church Drive,

NG11 7AJ

worship wednesday

“If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.’ - Exodus 33:14-16

The people of God in the book of Exodus would rather be in the wilderness with the presence of God than in the promised land without it.
Ultimately, everything we do here at St Wilfrid’s is about the presence of God and Worship Wednesday is our opportunity to spend an extended time as a church community in God’s presence, seeking Him and worshipping together.

We meet every Wednesday from 7:30pm - 8pm on the church campus.


Alpha is an eight-week course designed for people who wouldn’t call themselves Christians. It’s an opportunity to explore the basics of Christianity and ask the big questions of life in a fun, informal environment.

We run alpha courses throughout the year both on the church campus and beyond!
You can find information about our next Alpha course, and sign up on our alpha page.

prayer on the streets

“The deepest motive for mission is simply the desire to be with Jesus where he is, on the frontier between the reign of God and the usurped dominion of the devil.”
- Lesslie Newbigin

Every week on Tuesday morning (9:30am - 10:15am) we get out onto the streets of our parish and City and offer prayer to those we come across.
If you would like to join us, simply come to the St Wilfrid’s Church Office at 9:30am on Tuesdays.