Weekly Gatherings



St Wilfrid’s Church

8am - Healing Eucharist

10.30am - Service with Youth, Kids & Tots Church

(1st Sunday of each month is our all-age service)


St Wilfrid’s Church Back Hall

7.30-9pm - Worship & Prayer

 Youth, Kids & Tots Church


We believe that Church is as much for youth & kids as anyone else! Our Youth, Kids & Tots Church meets every Sunday during term time at our 10:30am service (except the 1st Sunday of every month which is our all-age service) & we all start together with family worship.

Youth: At the start of the service, Years 6 - 11 head out to Youth- We play games, have too many sweets, and explore what it is to follow Jesus together. Everyone is welcome!

Kids Church: At the start of the service, Reception - Year 5 head out to Kids Church. Our amazing team make space each week for kids to have fun together, build friendships and encounter the God who loves them- Come join us! 

Tots Church: After worship, little ones can head over with a responsible adult to the back hall where the service is live-streamed. We have a snack together, play, do crafts, open the Bible together & pray! It’s a great space for parents to get to know one another & pray for each other.