
“To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.”

- Karl Barth

Daily Practices

  • Morning Scripture

    Start your day by reading through a passage from the bible (why not use our set readings from the Gospel of Mark below…)

    Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, think through what you have read and pray for your day.

  • Midday Lord's Prayer

    Pause at midday and pray the prayer that Jesus taught us:

    Our Father in heaven,

    hallowed be your name,

    your kingdom come,

    your will be done,

    on earth as in heaven.

    Give us today our daily bread.

    Forgive us our sins

    as we forgive those who sin against us.

    Lead us not into temptation

    but deliver us from evil.

    For the kingdom, the power,

    and the glory are yours

    now and for ever.


  • Evening Examen

    At the end of the day, find a quiet space to reflect on the day with God.

    Invite the Holy Spirit and try using the following steps:

    1. Replay the day with God

    2. Rejoice in all the good that has happened

    3. Repent of anything that you know was not good

    4. Resolve to put new ways of life into practice tomorrow

Lent 2024 | 40 Days in the Gospel of Mark

This Lent, as part of our Daily Practices, we’re reading the Gospel of Mark in 40 days.
You can find the readings for each day below which are also intend to be used for the morning ‘scripture’ practice.

Day 1. Mark 1:1-20
Day 2. Mark 1:21-34
Day 3. Mark 1:35-45 & Mark 2:1-12
Day 4. Mark 2:13-22
Day 5. Mark 2:23-28 & Mark 3:1-12
Day 6. Mark 3:13-35
Day 7. Mark 4:1-25
Day 8. Mark 4:26-41
Day 9. Mark 5:1-20
Day 10. Mark 5:21-43
Day 11. Mark 6:1-13
Day 12. Mark 6:14-29
Day 13. Mark 6:30-44
Day 14. Mark 6:45-56
Day 15. Mark 7:1-23

Day 16. Mark 7:24-37
Day 17. Mark 8:1-13
Day 18. Mark 8:14-30
Day 19. Mark 8:31-38 & Mark 9:1-13
Day 20. Mark 9:14-29
Day 21. Mark 9:30-41
Day 22. Mark 9:42-50 & Mark 10:1-12
Day 23. Mark 10:13-31
Day 24. Mark 10:32-45
Day 25. Mark 10:46-52 & Mark 11:1-11
Day 26. Mark 11:12-26
Day 27. Mark 11:27-33 & Mark 12:1-12
Day 28. Mark 12:13-27
Day 29. Mark 12:28-37
Day 30. Mark 12:38-44

Day 30. Mark 12:38-44
Day 31. Mark 13:1-37
Day 32. Mark 14:1-11
Day 33. Mark 14:12-26
Day 34. Mark 14:27-42
Day 35. Mark 14:43-65
Day 36. Mark 14:66-72
Day 37. Mark 15:1-20
Day 38. Mark 15:21-32
Day 39. Mark 15:33-47 & Mark 16:1-8
Day 40. Mark 16:9-20

 Request Prayer